Painting Prices
If you would like to know the exact price of a painting on display in this website, please email the artist with the name of the painting or paintings for which you are requesting information. For a general price range, you may use the table below. Actual prices may vary as much as 15% higher or lower than shown on the table. Generally there is a price increase each year on new paintings as they are produced. Older paintings are kept at their original prices. Some newer works, especially ones containing figurative work, are priced higher. |
8"x10".......$1,700 10"x12"......$2,300 11"x14"......$2,700 12"x16"......$3,100 14"x18"......$3,800 16"x20"......$4,500 18"x24"......$5,900 24"x30"......$6,900 |
24"x36"......$11,000 30"x40"......$17,000 36"x48"......$23,000 48"x60"......$33,000 48"x72"......$40,000 60"x72"......$45,000 60"x84"......$52,000 72"x96"......$65,000 |